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Client: Cobar spa - Regione PugliaData: April 2021
Info: ETFE roof for the wintergarden of the Kursaal Santa Lucia Theater in Bari
The Liberty theater Kursaal Santa Lucia in Bari has a new roof made out of digitally printed ETFE pillows. The new wintergard is now the top cover of the building. The shape and the decor has been design by the artist Alfredo Pirri, taking inspiration from the liberty stile of the building. The result is a modern liberty roof. The roof is approximately 200 square meters divided in 12 pillows of different shapes all digitally printed based on Pirri’s paintings. The paintings have been first photagraphed and then transferred to ETFE with a digiatally printed process. This action has taken into account the distortion which comes from the 3d pillow shapes and the cutting pattern procedure.